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April 21, 2023

Speaker McCarthy’s Extreme Debt Limit Bill Will Surrender U.S. Competitiveness to China

(Washington, DC)—This week, Speaker McCarthy laid out the Republican bill to hold the full faith and credit of America hostage unless unprecedented cuts are made to key federal programs. These draconian funding cuts would have grave impacts for the innovation Agencies under the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s jurisdiction, including NASA, NSF, NOAA, and NWS.

“This bill is a non-starter,” said Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). “Speaker McCarthy’s extremist “debt default bill” will put our nation’s competitiveness at stake. Republicans have said their top priority is to strengthen our ability to compete with China—this scheme will do the opposite by surrendering our leadership in science and innovation to China. After years of bipartisan efforts to increase support for our federal research and development programs, this extreme Republican scheme will slash U.S. R&D. This will cost Americans their jobs, cede technological leadership to China, hamstring climate solutions, raise energy costs, and off-shore manufacturing operations. The American people deserve better.”